14.7.2022: 2022_0712 EASY, 2022_0712 MEDIUM, 2022_0712 HARD


  • Improved the brightness of the “yellow” apples and the “yellow” cross.
  • Added ‘Sekunden’ in the pattern matching result
  • Corrected: Hohes Grass > Hohes Gras
  • Improved the tracking in Apple Picking on the side walls
  • New Feature: Result Screen now summarizes walking / jogging in one activity

NOTE: To ensure TRACKING works, have the patient stand in the red circle and look forward when the game starts. DON’T put trackers on after the game starts. We’re working on improving this process. Not fixed yet: Not all apples are counted in MEDIUM and HARD

Oder builds are here: https://sutee.ch/cl/aalklara/